Awake-Blissful World Programs

Divine Awake-Blissful Program™

  • What does it mean to be Awake? What is Blissfulness?
  • Some of the benefits to being Awake and Blissful
  • Creating an Awake-Blissful Being

What does it mean to be Awake? What is Blissfulness?

If you are awake then your consciousness is aware of a higher level of being, your divine connection is stronger, and you are able to listen to your inner guidance. Blissfulness is a state of being where you are able to experience the divine nature of The Divine and can embrace the divine ways of existence.

Some of the benefits to being Awake and Blissful

  • Pure Divine Guidance
  • Sincerely Help Others
  • No Life Worries
  • Realize Your Soul Purpose

Creating an Awake-Blissful Being

Are you awake? Are you blissful? You can be. All you need is the desire to connect with The Divine at the highest level and help as many people as possible. We were sent here to help each other grow and evolve. Being awake and blissful is a great way to further your personal growth and evolution as well as have a greater impact on helping others. We can help you be awake and blissful through the programs being offered as part of the Awake-Blissful World campaign.

Coming Soon!

Preregistration opens on June 1st, 2021. Be the Early Bird!
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